
Acontemplativejourneyfromsilenceintowords,fromblindnessintoseeing,andofhowcinemamadeitpossibleandsavedtheirlives.,YoucanleaveSyria,butSyriawillneverleaveyou.Inthisboldlyedited,richdocumentary,DianaElJeiroudi–whogrewupinDamascusandnowlivesand ...,Twelveyearsinthemaking,RepublicofSilencebearswitnesstoatragedyonanepicscale,accompaniedbyanever-expandingmosaicoffragile, ...,AformalandorderlylifeinB...

Biennale Cinema 2021

A contemplative journey from silence into words, from blindness into seeing, and of how cinema made it possible and saved their lives.

Republic of Silence

You can leave Syria, but Syria will never leave you. In this boldly edited, rich documentary, Diana El Jeiroudi – who grew up in Damascus and now lives and ...

Republic of Silence (2021)

Twelve years in the making, Republic of Silence bears witness to a tragedy on an epic scale, accompanied by an ever-expanding mosaic of fragile, ...


A formal and orderly life in Berlin competes with a life in Damascus that is perforated by dictatorship and dismantled by wars and international political ...

Republic of Silence

A formal and orderly life in Berlin competes with a life in Damascus that is perforated by dictatorship and dismantled by wars and international political ...

Republic of Silence

Republic of Silence is like a fresco that encompasses more than a decade, interweaving the daily life of a humdrum existence in Berlin—lulled by solidarity and ...

The Republic of Silence

書名:The Republic of Silence,語言:英文,ISBN:9781932512014,作者:Liebling, A. J.,出版日期:2003/07/01,類別:人文社科.

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